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Halve emissions from cars by 2050, auto industry told

"Consortium claims '50 by 50' initiative could save equivalent of half EU's current C0² emissions"


Biofuels do far more harm than good

"Yesterday the EU imposed temporary tariffs on US biodiesel because subsidies over there distort trade - but that shouldn't be the only reason to stop the biofuels juggernaut"

Category: Energy sources


Gales set wind power record for Spain

"Fierce winds push north-west Spain's wind farms to provide 40% of the country's electrical power"

Category: Energy sources


Kepler spacecraft will hunt for planets that are just right for life

"Nasa mission due for liftoff tomorrow will identify extrasolar planets in the 'Goldilocks zone' around their star – not too hot and not too cold for liquid water"

Category: Space


Countries that block global climate change deal risk isolation

"Climate minister says Obama's commitment to environment has raised prospects of global agreement at UN summit in December"

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 1401 to 1405 out of 2977